Lorenzo Casullo

Lorenzo Casullo

Lorenzo Casullo

Position Title
Europe Director, Ricardo


Lorenzo is Europe Director in the Policy, Strategy and Economics practice at Ricardo. He oversees the European portfolio delivered for European institutions, national governments, private and third sector organisations across different countries. 

Lorenzo’s focus is on the challenges and opportunities of energy and transport decarbonisation, digitalisation, economic and financial impacts on consumers and supply chains. Since joining Ricardo in 2020, Lorenzo has led advisory teams on projects for European institutions on elements of the EU Green Deal and the Fit for 55 package, as well as global assignments covering regulatory reforms, capacity building, green growth and the just transition.

Previously as an international civil servant in Paris at the OECD, Lorenzo led work on sustainable infrastructure and mobility, providing bilateral support to public authorities in member countries and chairing international expert meetings. He then worked at the Netherlands’ Authority for Consumer and Markets (ACM). Prior to joining the civil service, Lorenzo was transport consultant at Steer in London. An economist by training, he holds master’s degrees from Cambridge University and City University in London where he specialised in the regulation of public utilities. 

He is a member of international expert groups (such as the OECD Blue Dot Network, ENISA Foresight Working Group, UNECE Taskforce on green and healthy transport, G20 InfraCompass Advisory Panel, and FSR Group of Experts on Infrastructure Digitalization) and a guest lecturer in European universities.