The ETERC event would not be possible without the generous support of sponsors that share our interest in a review of the most pressing transportation energy issues. Sponsors make it possible to attract more compelling speakers, support participation from government and NGOs (by keeping registration and food costs low), provide better support to conference organizers and managers, and disseminate information and findings.
Sponsorship Levels
Gold - €10,000
Gold sponsors will be recognized at the highest level on our conference website; on all promotional materials; in welcoming materials to the attendees; on presentation slides used during the conference and posted online for worldwide access; and on all post-conference materials disseminating the content of the conference. Includes conference admission for four people.
Silver - €7,500
Silver sponsors will be recognized on our conference web site; on all promotional materials; in welcoming materials to the attendees; on presentation slides used during the conference and posted online for worldwide access; and on all post-conference materials disseminating the content of the conference. Includes conference admission for three people.
Bronze - €5,000
Bronze sponsors will be recognized on our conference web site; on all promotional materials; in welcoming materials to the attendees; on presentation slides used during the conference and posted online for worldwide access; and on all post-conference materials disseminating the content of the conference. Includes conference admission for two people.
For additional information please contact: Karen Block (kmblock@ucdavis.edu).